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Welcome to

Stocksfield Avenue

Primary School

Return to School update

Dear Parents,


Return to school update


Last week was hugely successful and you all played a major part in helping us re-open the school to you and your children in a safe manner.


We have made some small changes to some of the drop off and collection points in Year 2 and 3 with a new roundabout system for Year 2 and 3R.  Mrs Panton’s class (3P) are now exiting by their cloakroom doors.


We have made a waiting area for Year 5/6 parents beside the climbing wall to avoid congestion with year 4.


We are a big school but the staggered times are certainly helping reduce the number of parents on site at any one time thereby avoiding congestion and the opportunity for gatherings!


Within the school the children have quickly adapted to the changes and are experts at sanitizing and maintaining distances, they follow the rules well and we are all so pleased with the positive attitudes and sensible manner in which they have all come back to school.


Parents of children in years 1-6 should have had a welcome email from your child’s class teacher with update information important to your own child (PE days, reading book information etc.).


What do I do if I suspect my child/family member has Covid 19 symptoms?


If your child is unwell and is showing any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (Covid 19), get a test as soon as possible. Stay at home until you get the result.


Main Symptoms


The main symptoms of coronavirus are:


  1. A high temperature- this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back or you have a high temperature as read on a thermometer.
  2. A new, continuous cough- this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  3. A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste- this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal!


What to do if you or your child have symptoms


If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus


  1. Get a test to check if you have coronavirus as soon as possible
  2. Stay at home and do not have visitors until you get your test result-only leave your home to have a test. Family members need to stay at home until the results are back. They do not need a test unless they are showing symptoms.


Use the NHS 111 or 119 or online information links about coronavirus if you are worried about symptoms or you are not sure what to do.


If you do get a positive test you will be told what to do and told to self- isolate for 10 days from when you took ill. Members of your immediate family will be told to self-isolate for 14 days. They will only need to seek a test if they then develop Covid symptoms during this period.


If the test is negative you and your family members can stop self-isolating and return to school if they feel well and have had no symptoms for 48 hours.


We are aware that children will suffer the usual illnesses (colds, runny nose, sickness etc.) and ask that you continue to inform the school about all absences and the reason for them. If your child has a temperature it is important that they do not come to school until a test result shows they are negative.


We ask that you let us know if your child or household member does get a positive test (although the school will be notified by Public Health England). Likewise let us know if your child/family member has had a negative test.


Should we have any cases in school we will be advised by Public Health England on any further action to follow.


We want to keep our school open and provide an education for our children but need everyone to be honest with us and take the actions above if you have any concerns.


After school clubs

We are hoping to start up a few of our after school clubs – these will be planned so as not to contaminate our current school bubbles.


We are looking at running our football club in 2 groups of 15 children (one year 3 /4 group and one year 5/6 group). We are going to offer a year 3 /4 dance club.


We will update once we have our plans finalised.


Thank you all for your continued support.


Mrs S. Hayes
